

YHWH did rest on the seventh day after working on His creation for six days; this is a foundational truth. However, counting from the very beginning (Genesis 1:1), it was the eighth event in a sequence of events. i.e. His rest was the 8th thing He did.

YHWH created the heaven and earth before he worked on them for six days. The Scriptures teach that heaven and earth was without form and void and darkness was upon the face of the deep, in Genesis 1:2.

All of this was before the first workday of the week. After this happened, the Spirit of YHWH moved upon the face of the waters, and then we are told is that Elohim said “Let there be light”, but heaven and earth were already here before He said this, and before He divided the light (day) from the darkness (night). Then the evening (darkness, night) and the morning (light, day) were the first day. Before this, however, there was a dark earth and a dark heaven with a dark moon in it, and it is referred to in Genesis as “In the beginning”, i.e. a space of time before the first workday.

The same Hebrew word for beginning in Genesis 1:1 is used in Numbers 28:11 in the reference to the beginning of a lunar month. Everything was dark on that day, and it was a worship day before the first workday of the week just as in the beginning at creation, when the sons of Elohim worshiped and shouted for joy and applauded His handiwork (Job 38:7).

The Genesis account needs to be considered more diligently by students of the Scripture. When looked at and dissected properly, you will see how it in no way disproves the teaching that the lights in the heavens, specifically the moon, determine the Sabbath day.

Most reading this are probably familiar with YHWH’s command in Leviticus 23:24 where the day of shoutings is to be observed. This day is rightly called the day of shoutings, which is a more literal translation of the day’s Hebrew name, Yom Teruah, than is the commonly used name, day or feast of trumpets. The Hebrew word teruah simply has the meaning of jubilation, noise, exclamation, etc. While one can teruah with a trumpet, the word teruah does not in and of itself exclusively

 apply to a trumpet.

Although many reading this have observed this day, most have not asked themselves this question:

“What does the first day of the seventh month commemorate?” This should be a question asked by all obedient students of YHWH’s Word, seeing that the text of Leviticus 23:24 states:

Speak unto the sons of Israel, saying, In the seventh month, on the first day of the month, ye have a Sabbath, a memorial of shouting, a holy convocation… [Young’s Literal Translation]

Notice this passage states that the seventh new moon is specifically to be a memorial of shouting, in Hebrew this is said as zikron teruah. The Hebrew word zikron denotes a remembrance, reminder, or record of something that has already happened in the past before the celebration occurs. People memorialize their wedding every year of their marriage on what is referred to as an anniversary. However, one could not memorialize their wedding before marriage, seeing the wedding was at that time still to take place in the future. Seeing that YHWH told us in Leviticus that the new moon of the seventh month was a memorial, the question then indeed arises, what is it a memorial of?

The answer lies in the correct translation of zikron teruah, this being a memorial of shoutings. Why do we shout on this day in memory? It is a memory of the creation of the heavens and the earth. It is in memory of when YHWH laid the foundations of the earth.

1And YHWH answereth Job out of the whirlwind, and saith:— 2Who is this—darkening counsel, By words without knowledge? 3Gird, I pray thee, as a man, thy loins, And I ask thee, and cause thou Me to know. 4Where wast thou when I founded earth? Declare, if thou hast known understanding. 5 Who placed its measures—if thou knowest?

 Or who hath stretched out upon it a line? 6On what have its sockets been sunk? Or who hath cast its corner-stone? 7In the singing together of stars of morning, And all sons of Elohim shout for joy. [Job 38:1-7 YLT]

By reading this passage in Job and referencing it to Leviticus 23:24 we can see that the seventh new moon is a memorial of shoutings, i.e. when the sons of Elohim (angelic beings) shouted for joy at the laying of the foundations of the heavens and the earth. The word for shout in Job 38:7 is the Hebrew word ruah, a word used in close relation with the word teruah in Hebrew linguistics and Scriptures. Many scholarly reference works acknowledge the memorial of creation here in the seventh new moon.

 Take this one, for an example: a memorial: Zichron terooah, here rendered “a memorial of blowing the trumpets” properly signifies a memorial of triumph or shouting for joy. This festival is generally called the feast of trumpets; and, though the Scriptures have not expressly declared the reason of its celebration, yet, as it fell in the seventh month of the sacred year, which was the first of the civil year, that is, the month Tisri, answering to our September, the opinion very generally embraced by both Jews and Christians is, that it was a memorial of the creation of the world, at which “the sons of God shouted for joy,” (Job 38:7); and which is supposed, not altogether without reason, to have been at this season of the year. Ed.

The month Tisri was not only anciently, but still is, reckoned by the Jews the first month of the year; and the feast of tabernacles, kept in this month, was said to be, as it is correctly rendered in the margin, “at the revolution of the year,”

(Exodus 34:22); importing, that at this season the year had revolved, and was beginning anew. So that this feast was the New Year ’s Day, on which the people rejoiced in a grateful remembrance of God’s benefits, and implored his blessing for the future year. Lev. 25:91

In the beginning, YHWH indeed did create, lay out, and found the heavens and the earth. In this creation the moon had to exist, seeing Scripture defines the moon as a part of the heavens.

3 When I consider thy heavens, the work of thy fingers, the moon and the stars, which thou hast ordained; [Psalm 8:3]

Therefore the moon was in existence before the fourth day of making heaven and earth, and specifically, before the first day of making heaven and earth. The earth was advanced upon or made in six days, but the heavens and the earth were created in the beginning. We memorialize creation on the seventh new moon, because YHWH laid His heavenly tabernacle on the day of the new moon, in the beginning.

This is parallel to memorializing other events in Israel’s history, such as the deliverance of Egypt, and dwelling in temporary shelters.

This shows that the count for the Sabbath occurred after “in the beginning”, i.e. the new moon. The seventh day was truly the Sabbath, but it was the seventh day after advancing upon the creation for six days.

In six days, YHWH did make or advance upon the heavens and the earth, but He set them out, or laid their foundation in the beginning, when the sons of Elohim shouted for joy. (Job 38:7) The Sabbath, being a day (Gen. 2:2-3) and a season (Lev. 23:2-3), was regulated by the great lights in the heavens which were to be for signs, seasons, days, and years (Gen. 1:14-18). The moon was appointed for a purpose on day four, but already had existence as part of the heavens at the creation (In the beginning) along with the sun, stars, and all the planets in outer space.

1 Treasury of Scripture Knowledge, under Leviticus 23:24.

We might also add that for those who hold to the moon being created on the fourth day, and for those who think this proves the week cannot be regulated by the moon, seeing it began before the moon, please parallel this with the sun. By the same logic, I could say that the sun could not regulate the year or the day, seeing both the year and the day began before the sun’s existence on day four. This would not be sound logic. It does not make any difference what day the sun and moon were appointed, they were still appointed in time to becon the wekly Sabbath and for their purpose, and that purpose is to be a measurement of time or a calendar, as Genesis 1:14-18 eloquently proves.

This would include the timing of the weekly Sabbath day. Everywhere in the Scriptures where a new moon is found, the next day after the new moon worship day is the first day of the week, and this is no coincidence. The new moon can never be the first day of the week no more than the Sabbath can be.

We are to worship on the beginning day (most specifically the 7th new moon - Lev. 23:24) and shout / blow the trumpets to commemorate the creation at each new moon, and on the Sabbath we are to blow the trumpets and worship to commemorate His rest after working on His creation for six days.

On the fourth day of making heaven and earth, the moon was advanced upon. Would it not make logical sense for this portion of YHWH’s calendar to reflect the previous three or four days that happened prior?

An example lies in the heavenly body of the sun. The sun would reflect the fourth working day of the year, instead of day four being the first day of the year. Likewise, the moon would reflect the previous allotted days of the month, instead of being a new moon on day four, it would reflect the 4th workday of the month.

The appointing on day four does not mean that it was the first day of the month, or that the moon was in a new moon phase at all. It makes logical sense for the sun and moon to reflect the days gone by. The first year in creation would have been 365 ¼ days, just the same as all the other years in Scripture. This would be in lieu of the first year in creation having 361 ¼ days, which would be the sum of the regular yearly length, minus four days. Ed.


We believe that the sun would be in a fourth working day position in the sky on day four. The moon would also reflect the fourth working day of the month, especially if it was to be for appointments (Psalm 104:19). It would be a moon four working days old, just between a sliver and a half moon. In other words, the very first work day in creation could have been the first work day of the year, the first work day of the month/moon, and the first work day of the week, and not only the first work day of the week as many teach.

Would it not make more sense for the first workday to be the first workday of the year, month, and week instead of the first day of the week only?

Why cannot the first day be the first day of everything?

If the fourth workday of the week was also the fourth workday of the month, then the seventh day of the week would be after the six workdays and would be the eighth day of the month, by accepting that there was a space of time before the first workday - in the beginning. Even if there were not a dark new moon before the first workday, there would indeed be one in the second month in Genesis.

Nowhere in Scripture does it say YHWH created the heaven and earth in six days.

It does say “…for in six days YHWH made heaven and earth (Exodus 20:11).” The word made has the meaning of advanced upon and not created. He worked or advanced upon His creation for six days, and rested the seventh day.

This would be the eighth event happening from the creation, i.e. the dark moon in the beginning; the day of shoutings.

1. He created heaven and earth. (The Day of Shoutings)

2. He worked on them for six days and the sixth workday would have been the seventh event accomplished, seeing the first thing YHWH did was create heaven and earth. 1 + 6 = 7.

3. The eighth event in sequence was the rest on the seventh day, after six days of working on His creation.

In studying this aspect of the Sabbath, keep in mind that there are two different underlying Hebrew words for the English translations of created and made in Genesis one.

CREATED H1254 bara’ baw-raw' A primitive root; (absolutely) to create; (qualified) to cut down (a wood), select, feed (as formative processes):—choose, create (creator), cut down, dispatch, do, make (fat).

MADE H6213 Las_ah aw-saw' A primitive root; to do or make, in the broadest sense and widest application:—accomplish, advance, appoint, apt, be at, become, bear, bestow, bring forth, bruise, be busy, X certainly, have the charge of, commit, deal (with), deck, + displease, do, (ready) dress (-ed), (put in) execute (-ion), exercise, fashion, + feast, [fight-] ing man, + finish, fit, fly, follow, fulfil, furnish, gather, get, go about, govern, grant, great, + hinder, hold ([a feast]), X indeed, + be industrious, + journey, keep, labour, maintain, make, be meet, observe, be occupied, offer, + officer, pare, bring (come) to pass, perform, practise, prepare, procure, provide, put, requite, X sacrifice, serve, set, shew, X sin, spend, X surely, take, X thoroughly, trim, X very, + vex, be [warr-] ior, work (-man), yield, use.

For those who believe the sun and the moon were created on day four, here is something to consider. The word appointed in Psalm 104:19 is the same word in Genesis 1:14 where it states that Elohim “…made two great lights”. The word made, could have been translated as appointed. The question is, when did He appoint the moon for seasons?

Was it not in Genesis 1:14 where it says that He made/appointed the great lights for seasons?

When you make someone a captain of a team, or appoint them captain, it means that they were already there standing, waiting for you to appoint them. Remember, you had evening and morning three times before day four. You also had light, green organisms, night and day, creation of heaven and earth, etc. before He made/appointed the sun and moon to rule day and night.

Where do you think the heavenly bodies were before He appointed them?

 A noted Hebrew scholar (Rashi) would agree that they were already in existence.

The luminaries, which had been created on the first day, were set in place on the fourth.2 There is no evidence to support the theory that the great lights were created, brand new, on day four, but rather they were appointed on the fourth day or advanced upon for His calendar. Even if someone insists that the sun and moon were created on day four they would still be there in plenty of time to do what they were created, made, and appointed to do, and that is to be a beacon for YHWH’s appointments, including the weekly appointment.

2 The Tanach, Stone Edition, commentary of Rashi on Genesis 1:14. Ed.


Before I demonstrate the days in creation it will help to know the scriptural definition of a day and what makes up a scriptural day. We must understand the Hebrew mindset and the definition of day, which is called YOM in Hebrew and simply means a space of time. We have examples in Scripture where a year, month, week, and day, are all called a day/yom. Therefore the Hebrew definition for day/yom is a space of time and it depends on how it is used or understood in the Scriptures as to what it is speaking of. The question is, how many spaces of time or YOMS, where there at creation before the Almighty rested on the seventh day of the week?


The count for the Seventh day rest began AFTER heaven and Earth was created which began on the first work day of the week that he worked on his creation and when he rested the seventh day, there was still a creation day that was not counted in the six working days that he worked on his creation. I believe they understood that there was a space of time when heaven and Earth was created, separate from the six workdays. I believe there were eight spaces of time/yoms or eight sequences of events in creation. The first event was Heaven and Earth was created and then worked on for six days. The creation of Heaven and Earth is not counted in with the six working days. This is a total of seven separate events or space of time/yoms. The Almighty rested the Seventh day after working on his creation for six days but it was the eighth event counting from the beginning. We believe He rested on the Seventh day of the week but it was the eighth day or space of time of the month, i.e. heaven and Earth was created on what later began to be called new moon day, then worked on his creation for six days, and then rested the Seventh day. Moses was also commanded to rear up the tabernacle on the new moon day which was followed by six working days which ended with a holy convocation on the seventh day of the week which was on the eighth day of the month, same as in creation. This was what was show to Moses in the Mount. Moses would have written the book of Genesis later on after what was shown to him in the Mount. see my discussion on this which brother Chuck The Almighty teaches that there are THREE category of days/yoms in Ezekiel 46:1 He teaches that they are NEW MOONS days/yoms He teaches there are six working days/yoms and he teaches there are Sabbath days/yoms. In other words Ezekiel teaches the six working days comes after the new moon worship days and Sabbath worship days. The last Sabbath worship day at the end of each month will be followed by a new moon worship day causing TWO back to back worship days in a row in which the gates will remain open, BEFORE the first day of the six working days begins, when the gates are to be shut, according to Ezekiel 46:1. It is simple deductive reasoning that the gates cannot be opened and shut at the same time.I believe the same example applies to creation. You have a space of time/yom when heaven and Earth was created before it was worked on for six days/yoms. The space of time when heaven and Earth was created is simply referred to as IN THE BEGINNING and was not counted as one of the six working days. There was no evening and mornings or night and day during this space of time. There was only darkness at creation and there was no scriptural night and no scriptural light because that did not come until the first work day when he said let there be light. The reason I say there was no scriptural night is because the Hebrew definition for night is the twisting away of the light which produces evening/night. Everything before this was simply referred to as darkness but when he said let there be light and divided the light from the darkness, and called the light Day and the darkness He called NIGHT or twisting away of the light, this produced the first evening and morning of the six workdays but there were still a space of time before these six workdays. Everything that happened before the light and it’s division is simply referred to as the BEGINNING when heaven and Earth was created in the darkness. There was no NIGHT because there was no twisting away of the light. I realize that night as we know it, has darkness, but that is not the same as the darkness that was on the face of the deep before he said let there be light because that darkness was so dark that it would be absolutely impossible for anyone but him to see anything. The night that was produced by the twisting away of the light produced a darkness that you can still see in because of the stars etc, which were not lit up during the first darkness. The light that was divided from the first darkness that was here when he created heaven and earth, produced evening and morning of the first day of the six workdays spoken of by Ezekiel and that darkness or space of time represented the new moon day which is not counted when counting the six working days. The space of time/yom that was here before the six workdays would also cause the moon to beacon an 8 day phase on the seventh day of the week in creation. The Seventh day of the week would actually be the eighth day of the month or space of time and there would be six workdays between the day that heaven and Earth was created and  the weekly seventh day, same as it is today. After the first month in creation, this space of time was later called a new moon day which came before the six workdays. The new moon day commemorates creation each and every month and the Sabbath commemorates His rest after working on his creation the six workdays that always falls between the new moon and the first Sabbath each month. Remember in Ezekiel 46:1, the Almighty NEVER counted the new moons and Sabbaths as any of the six working days. They were SEPARATE from each other, i.e. you have the New Moon WORSHIP DAY, the six working days, and then the Sabbath WORSHIP DAY which makes up the scriptural lunar week with a lunar Seventh day at the end and I believe this is what happened at creation. The beginning day/space of time/new moon was not counted in with the six working days same as in Ezekiel 46, neither was it counted when the Sabbath was made known to Moses and the children of Israel in Exodus 16. Most all of the scholars agree that there were lunar months and lunar weeks before Julius Caesar.I am simply staying with the Hebrew definition of night which gives us an understanding of what happened. The Hebrew definition of night is as follows.Strong's Hebrew Dictionary
3915. layil
lyl layil lah'-yil or (Isa. 21:11) leyl {lale}; also laylah {lah'- yel-aw}; from the same as 3883; properly, a twist (away of the light), i.e. night; figuratively, adversity:--((mid-))night (season).See Hebrew
3883There was no night/twisting away of the light until he said let there be light and divided it from the darkness. This SECOND space of time/yom produced the FIRST evening and morning of the week. There are several ways in which you can put the Seventh day rest in creation on a 8 day phase of the moon. Some say it was on day 4 etc, but I believe it was like demonstrated above. I believe heaven and Earth was created in the first space of time/yom before it was worked on for six days.I believe that the Sun and moon was a part of the heavens in the day that they were created but it does not say what position the Sun was in when he said let there be light but I believe the light came on just below the horizon in the West which always ends the day and then you had 12 hours of evening and the sun came up in the East and you had 12 hours of morning, a total of 24 hours which would put the seventh day of the week on a eight day phrase of the moon. Most people agree there was a space of time in creation before he said let there be light. Some think it was 1000 years others millions of years and others believed there was 12 hours Etc. At any rate there was a yom/space of time before the six workdays began. There were six working days between the creation of heaven and Earth And the Weekly Seventh Day Sabbath.9th day at evening.

From the above the creation calendar would look like this,

The FIRST space of time/yom would be in the BEGINNING when heaven and Earth was created.

The SECOND space of time/yom would be the FIRST day of the six working days when he said let there be light and divided it etc.

The THIRD space of time/yom came to be on the SECOND day of the week.

The FORTH space of time/yom would be the THIRD working day.

The FIFTH space of time/yom would be the FOURTH working day.

The SIXTH space of time/yom would be the FIFTH working day.

The SEVENTH space of time/yom would be the SIXTH working day. This is confirmed in Genesis 2:2 where it teaches He finished everything on the seventh day and then arrested or ceased on the Seventh day. The first seventh that he finished on is the seventh day of the month or sixth day of the week and the second seventh is the seventh day of the week that he ceased on or rested.

The EIGHT space of time/yom would be the SEVENTH/yom Sabbath, after working on his creation for six days. The emphasis is on the creation, then six workdays, then the Sabbath day rest.

After the Sabbath was observed on the eight space of time/yom or eighth day of the month the serpent approached Adam and Eve on the NINTH day of the month and they transgressed that same day and in the evening or cool of the same 9th day they hid themselves and the Almighty made them coats of skin on the 10th day in creation when the 9th day ended at evening. This commemorates the Day of Atonement when the Almighty Atoned for Adam and Eve' s sins and is to be observed on the 10th day beginning from the